We are not here to do what has been done.


We can work, play, and rest differently. More consciously. And when we do, it changes the world.


International Coach Federation Certified Professional Coach with over 600 hours serving small business owners.

I started my career in the non-profit world, believing that if I wanted to change the world, a non-profit was the place to do it.

But after years of working in under-resourced, under-funded programs, reliant on gala fundraisers and the kindness of the wealthy — I started to feel disillusioned with the whole thing. I was tired of asking myself how I could accomplish more with less resources. If you’re burned out from years of teaching, working in non-profits, or being in an underpaid and undervalued profession — I feel you.

And so I asked: how can we do both? How can kind people be well-resourced, well-funded, and doing meaningful work? If this is what you want, too, you’re in the right place.

I learned the ins and outs of entrepreneurship by running a multi-million dollar retail store. It’s where I learned how to sell in a way that didn’t feel gross, where I learned how to build community instead of market, and how I learned how to run a business. Like, specifically, how.

And that brings us to the present moment.

You should know that my goal is to spark a revolution.

I am on a mission to change how humans play, work, create, and rest — forever. I’ve unsubscribed to the 40 hour work weeks. They’re made up and I think it’s ineffective. Everything in nature goes through cycles of dormancy and productivity. And human beings are nature.

My philosophy on selling and marketing is inspired and informed by the mycelium network that connects forests underground. If you want to run a business that is in service to all living beings, you’re in the right place. That’s what I teach. And it’s possible for you, no matter what type of business you run.

It is truly an honor to partner with and support small business owners as we change, forever, how human beings think about work, how we collect and spend money, and how we relate to this planet we call home.


“If anyone is on the fence about coaching, I would say just take the leap and trust the calling. A year later, I’m still receiving the pay-off of my investment, and I’ll carry these tools with me for life.”


“I gained the confidence to leave my job because of all the thought work we did together. And I earned my first $5k in my business because you taught me the methodology of questioning my thoughts. There was nothing more freeing and liberating than having a neutral person in my life I could share my worst fears and doubts with. If anyone is on the fence about coaching, I would say just take the leap and trust the calling. A year later, I’m still receiving the pay-off of my investment, and I’ll carry these tools with me for life.”


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